Bonnie Gray

Limited edition print of 30 in each size, by artist Bonnie Gray.

We sourced and custom framed this beautiful, neutral artwork for Andy and Deb Saunders' kitchen and living room. With earthy tones and beautiful words, poems and songs woven through this artwork, this piece is a beautiful addition to any interiors looking to bring a warm colour palette, sentiment and sunlight into the space.


This artwork is printed on paper using a textured 100% cotton rag museum-grade fine art paper (310 gsm).
Colours are vibrant and crisp printed with archival ink.

Bonnie Gray's art prints are made to order.

Each print is professionally printed and takes approximately takes 4-6 weeks to print, pack, ship and custom frame if you choose to opt for framing.

With quality framing available by FRAMING TO A T FRAMERS & DESIGNERS, each framed piece is completed using quality materials to ensure your artwork is expertly finished. Checkout online for framing of this piece in an Oak Frame with clear glass, or contact us for a custom frame design.

All unframed prints are to be handled with extreme care and only opened by a framer using cotton gloves. Avoid contact with skin and any oils/moisture.

Get in touch for assistance with selecting the perfect art size and frame design for your home or creative space.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Shelby H.

It looks stunning, I’m so happy with it.

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